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Reduced Inequalities


We strongly believe in the importance of purchase with positive purposes. Thus, with every purchase, we will donate to a certain percentage of the profits for social causes. Alternatively, you can do your own charity through our charity platform, please visit our charity section. Pick your favorite rewards if still available. Through this initiative, we have been able to build a better business by connecting customers with marginalized communities and successfully reduce inequalities.


We welcome donations from individuals, governments and agencies, the business communities and other organizations which support our social initiatives. Donations may be used to support any endeavour consistent with social missions of Rubysh management including but not limited to scholarships, community development, or to acquire equipment or fund capital works. The funds may be expended completely or maintained as an endowment.

People With Disabilities

We believe that hiring people with disabilities can contribute to the overall diversity, creativity and workplace morale, thus we encourage people with disabilities to join us. For an improved productivity and a pleasant work environment for people with disabilities we will keep in mind that communication includes “languages, display of text, Braille, tactile communication, large print, accessible for them. The management would also educate other employees on disabilities as an important step towards a more understanding, diverse and motivating working environment, and promoting non-discrimination at the workplace